Profile PictureIlya Gayduk

The IATA city and airport database with calculated distances

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The IATA city and airport database with calculated distances

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The database includes 5 tables:

  1. Countries – names of countries in Russian and English. 248 records in total.
  2. Iatacities – names of IATA cities in English, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Italian. 8,915 records in total.
  3. Iataairports – IATA airports and railway stations in English, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Italian. 10,437 records in total.
  4. Distanceair – calculated distance between each city and every airport. 89 434 509 records in total.
  5. Distancecountries – calculated distance between countries. 54,172 records in total.

* International Air Transport Association - (abbreviation: IATA), international non-governmental organization. The headquarters is located in Montreal, Canada. The European center is located in Geneva, Switzerland. IATA has 120 representative offices around the world.

An example of a project that can be created based on the database available at

Format: MySQL
Countries, iatacities, iataairports and distancecountries tables are available in CSV format

Languages: English, Русский, Español, العربية, 中文, Français, Português, Italiano.

Latest version: September 16, 2023
Size: 4,5 gigabytes

Detailed Database description

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